
Maria Montessori

Her life and work. E.M. Standing

Montessori a modern approach

Paula Polk Lillard

The advanced Montessori method - I

The clio Montessori series. Maria Montessori.

From childhood to adolescence.

The clio Montessori series. Maria Montessori.

Montessori from the start

The child at home, from birth to age three. Paula Polk Lillard and Lynn Lillard Jessen.

Montessori play and learn

Lesley Britton

The child, society and the world.

The clio Montessori series. Maria Montessori.

The Montessori Method

Maria Montessori.

Teaching Montessori in the Home

The Pre-School Years. Elizabeth G. Hainstock, Lee Davis

The Absorbent mind

Maria Montessori

The Montessori Way

Tim Seldin & Paul Epstein.